✦ Estimated delivery times
North America: 7-10 days after order has shipped
Europe: 2-8 weeks after order has shipped
Asia and Oceania: 2-8 weeks after order has shipped
I'll do my best to meet these dispatch estimates, but can't guarantee them. Actual delivery time will depend on the delivery method you choose. Expect delays due to COVID.
✦ Customs and import taxes
Buyers are responsible for any customs and import taxes that may apply. Please refer to your country's policy on customs fee thresholds. I'm not responsible for delays due to customs.
✦ Refunds for undeliverable orders
I am charged $5 for each US/international return for customs/duty. If your order was undeliverable (wrong address, did not collect at pickup point etc.) and returned to me, I will refund the cost of the item, but not shipping. The $5 will also be deducted from the return amount.
If the order was lost during the return, I cannot offer a refund.
I can only offer refunds within 180 days of purchase
✦ Returns & Exchanges
I gladly accept cancellations within 12 hours of purchase
I don't accept returns or exchanges, but please contact me if you have any problems with your order.
Please refer to my Frequently Asked Questions page for more details.